Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pony Spotlight: Twilight Sparkle

     In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, you begin by following the character named Twilight Sparkle (bear with me). She is an intelligent unicorn tasked with moving to a new town to study "friendship" by her personal mentor, who is the princess/deity of the world. she sees little value in socializing, instead spending her efforts by herself studying. Once she reaches her new hometown she reluctantly greets the residents to return home and continue her studies. she reads of a terror that will befall the town, and a relic of magical power that can combat it. Rushing out of town to find this relic, she is reluctantly joined by 5 of her neighbors. together they face perilous obstacles, surmounting them with the aid of each follower. Once they reach the relic they are faced with the terror that was to come. Together they defeat it with the Strong positive qualities of each character. Gaining respect for her new friends, she finally sees the value in friendship, and devotes herself to the study of it.
      Twilight Sparkle is a great introduction to the series, both for children and for "haters" of the show. she takes on the same resistant view that her audience may have and gradually finds value in her task, as that audience does the same. She is very much a bookworm, with an unwavering work ethic. Placing unrealistically high standards upon herself. Being very analytical and left brained, she doesn't easily grasp social norms and interactions. but will work tirelessly until she does. I think there is something we can all learn from this pony. We can achieve great things with a proper work ethic, raising ourselves to new heights of happiness and success, but we must be careful of not overbearing ourselves, chaining ourselves to isolation, and incontestability. A fantastic resource as a friend, her element of friendship is Magic. Reflecting the amazing achievements accomplished with her personality. not to mention she can use magic. did I say she could Use magic? That's what she was studying with the princess... magic...

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