Saturday, December 7, 2013


Grandpa, teach me; you make things fun
My parents don’t care how; they just want it done
I’m unruly, and they say I’m beyond all hope
They’ve called you because they’re at the end of their rope

You seem very strict when they are looking
Scold me for not eating my mom’s cooking
But as soon as they turn you stick your tongue out at me
As soon as they’ve gone you mock me and act all silly

We go celebrate a holiday that I’ve never heard of
By allowing me to throw paint like them, you show me your love
My parents are busy and very set in their ways
But you let me be myself and shower me with praise

We got back just before they did
And where we’d been we hid
Now they think I sat here and you cracked me

But we know the truth, what happened really

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