Sunday, December 8, 2013


The chicago international children's film festival was among the few trips I will most definitely never forget. This trip was full of many inspiring moments. I was also able to get an insight into some of the stuff I would be working on in the many years to come in my life as well as the many challenges I would have to deal with in my career. The trip was full of so many great experiences and jokes to be remembered for a long time (Hey Pantless what is the weather like today?)  Need I say I have had countless things checked off my bucket list since my arrival here at huntington and the CICFF was the trip that knocked off more than a few of the things on my list! I experienced many great films and even some films that I still get angry to think about. I was initial not going to go on the trip but through the mighty words of Steve and my brother (Karli) they convinced me to go to the trip. Can I say I was quite glad to go on the trip. Not only was my passion for animation and filmmaking reawakened furthermore I was able to dig into the heads of a few film makers of a couple shorts during a Q&A. It was really cool to meet filmmakers from LA and Brazil (whose short film was previously at the Toronto  Film Festival which also feature Only Lovers Left Alive by Jim Jarmusch) Any way I highly suggest if you haven't already jump on to the bandwagon for the next CICFF trip it was highly worth it, inspiring, filled with great laughs, and fantastic food.

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