Sunday, December 8, 2013

7 Brides for 7 Brothers

I went to this play mainly to support a friend that was in it. I have never been a huge fan of plays or musicals. I just didn't like the story stopping to sing so I never went to many plays. This play however surprised me. It was very funny and I ended up liking it a lot. All the actors did a fantastic job.
There was a lot of really cool choreography. I was amazed by it. They were throwing girls everywhere. It was really pretty crazy. And of course the best dancers were Sean and Sam.
My favorite part was the pastor. He was an old man and he was only apart of a few scenes but whenever he entered of exited he ran in this way that was just ridiculous and it was hilarious. Another part I really enjoyed was Gideon's roll. He was a really likable character and the actor played him well.
Another thing I liked was what they did with Adam. He started out as this really nice guy that saved this woman from some rude guy. Then he ended up being this jerk that tricked her into taking care of his brothers and treated her badly. He redeems himself in the end but it was interesting to see his character change so much.

 Overall, I liked it a lot and I would definitely go see it again if I had the opportunity.

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