Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Could you imagine meeting the person that changes your life on the street and that the thing that brought you together was a guitar and a vacuum? That is how the main characters in the movie "Once" meet. I was unsure about the guerrilla style that the film was shot in. The sort of home video, shaky cam thing. But the style added to the effect of it all. It made the events that were happening on-screen feel like it was happening right in front of you. The actors also felt like real people which helped me forgive some of the more technical aspects. I really didn't think it needed those stupid crane shots though.
It was heartbreaking for me to learn that when the guy asked the girl if she loved her husband, she responded 'it is you who I love.' Gahhhh! And then when I found out what the title of the film meant. It's the answer to the question: how many times do you meet the person that will change your life? Once. Gahhhh! And the fact that they didn't end up together! Gahhhh! All the feels. Oh, the music was good too.


  1. I agree with you on the crane shots. They were totally out of place within the context of the rest of the film.

  2. I cried at the end of the movie, but I broke down when I found out what the title means
