Thursday, November 14, 2013

Double Bog Credit Opportunity!

Hello, people of the world.
On Friday evening at precisely 9pm in HINER HALL (SCIENCE HALL, ROOM 225, the same room class is held), we will be watching Mansome, as summarized by IMDb, "A documentary that explores the question: In the age of manscaping, metrosexuals, and grooming products galore- what does it mean to be a man?"
Since we got to watch Miss Representation for double blog cred, Leeper agreed to give the same credit for Mansome (watch and blog). Women are not the only ones with gender role probs, so we shouldn't leave the fellas out.
This documentary contains Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, and Morgan Spurlock (the guy who did Supersize Me). It is going to be a glorious time. For realsies. 
If you are not sure if you want to watch this documentary, please revel in this marvelous trailer.
Comments after:
Overall I found this film delightful. It was interesting to learn how serious some people take their beards. I mean, look at this guy (to the right, son). Everything he does is for the health and growth of his beard. It is kind of ridiculous. And it bothers me how his hair doesn't go with his look. Consistency is key, my friends. But, hey. We all need hobbies. I also did not realize how much effort guys put into their appearances. I was under the assumption that it was a bathe, clothe, and go kind of life (I extend my sincerest apologies for such misconceptions).


  1. I wish I could go, but I work until 8:30. :( Maybe I can pop in late.
