Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stray Dog

September 19 I went to see stray dog I thought it would be somebody  would rescue a dog from starving.  I love the dog when it was starting. When I was watching  the movie it kind of remind me of batman and robin. It was cops vs. robber. I felt sorry for them of being so hot weather. Everyone was like a stray dog.

 I like at the dance girls and the baseball game. I thought it was funny when the girls run into the dressing room just lay down on the flower.   I thought it was stupide when the two guy were fighting over the gun. There  was a gun shot and the woman that was playing the piano hear the it. She look out in the window  didn't do anything  just seen the two guys standing there. She didn't ran way from here house she just went back to play here piano. If I was her I would run way or find some where safe.

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