Friday, September 20, 2013


MY GOODNESS!!!!! This movie was so great!!! I went to see it with Evan, Mason, and Panthelys. A mind-screwing, heart pounding, suspenseful thrill. Besides Hugh Jackman playing his best roll ever, Jake Gyllenhaal restored my faith in his acting abilities. Definitely the best film I have seen in a while. It really played on my emotions and made me want to figure everything out that was going on in the movie. 

You really don't have to try to figure anything out though because everything is eventually revealed in the end, but it had me consistently on the edge of my seat. My heart was pumping so hard and tears tried to well up in my eyes! The movie was directed by Devin Villeneuve and Mark Wahlberg was the Executive Producer. Yes I said Mark Wahlberg. That should make anyone wants to see this film! haha

One thing I definitely liked about this movie was the spirituality of Hugh Jackman's character. He was definitely misguided in some of his actions but even at the end he was praying. The supporting actors were all terrific but Jackman's performance in this movie goes above my expectations. I will be surprised if neither he or Gyllenhaal win awards for this. This movie is definitely one of the best made all year. If you enjoy suspense then this is a movie for you. An absolutely fantastic film.

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