Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pokemon Colosseum

     What's this? ANOTHER Pokemon post?! Yep. Because, why not.
     So here we have the magical Gamecube Game Pokemon Colosseum. Where you are a fanservice-bad-boy turned good by an obnoxious girl who talks a wee bit too much.
      I love this game. You start off as a villain (bout freakin time) but you turn good because morals and junk. (lmao) You have an Umbreon and an Espeon, an amazing combination and basically there's just tag-team battles through the whole game (I mean two Pokemon on each side). So you save annoying chick after she's kidnapped and she can see the dark aura of Pokemon who have been, well, filled with darkness.
     The fun part is you STEAL people's Pokemon. All those lame times where you're all "Man, I really wish I could catch their Pokemon" well, now you can. Of course there's a catch, since you're a good guy, you can only "snag" Pokemon that are filled with darkness so you can later purify their hearts.

     I loved the graphics honestly. It reminded me of Pokemon Stadium. The attacks were well made as well as the Pokemon's "flinching" and "attacking" stances. The storyline is intriguing too because as you're an ex-member of the organization you're trying to take down, it's fun seeing the interactions between you and your old compatriots. Finally a storyline not based on Gym Leaders and the Elite Four. lolz
< Is that a giant flying Wailord being electrocuted? Yes. Yes it is.


  1. Gulpin is one of my favorite pokemon because of pokemon xd gale of darkness P: I never played colosseum, but I heard that they made it easier in xd to purify pokemon U:

    1. Yeah, it's so much easier in GoD to purify Pokemon. You don't have to run to the Relic Stone and wait for Celebi every time. x'D
      And there's no wild Pokemon in Colosseum, which is sad. D:
