Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Drunken Angel

A man is banging outside the door
A doctor’s sleeping on the hard floor

A lie told about the man’s bullet peirced hand
Reveals a truth only the doctor can understand

“You’re dying,” he says to his patient’s cold ears
“But I have a treatment, so please calm your fears
It’s so simple a child is doing it now
It will take work, but I can show you how.”

Though the man tries, he continues to struggle
His health and his old life he fails to juggle
Till one day when all is thought to be lost
He goes out and pays the ultimate cost

Dripping in the white paint of goodness
He loses his last chance at innocence
But the doctor lived on to continue his work
And the girl he was helping walked up with a smirk

“You owe me a sweet!” the little girl said
“Because I’m alive, and I am not dead
I’ve beaten my disease, just look and see
My x-rays are clean and free, just like me

I’ve been healed because I listened to you

You saved me so don’t go looking so blue
I think you’re great, isn’t that enough?
You brought me through a time that was tough

To me you are a savior
You showed me right behavior
To me you’re a king
So smile and sing

Buy me a treat like you said you would
I’ve followed your plan; I have been good
Now look at my life from the new angle
That I have been saved by a drunken angel

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