Hello to all, my name is Taylor Phillips. I come from Delta, Colorado although I have only lived there for the past year. I am as most of you are; a freshman at Huntington just ready to get working towards the biggest and best goals. Personally I am majoring in Film Production and then minoring in Accounting, along with those I want to choose one more minor being one of the following: Computer Science, Psychology, or Philosophy. I believe any of those three would help me in then filming industry. Computer Science for codes and such to help my editing skills and computer work, and then either Psychology or Philosophy for the knowledge I could gain with a minor in one of those could help me with story and character development.
I came into filmmaking years ago as I was bored and thought it would be interesting. Since then I have made over 30 videos that are posted on my youtube channel: bluelego94. I have also done some work as a filmographer and photographer. I have been the filmographer and maker of DVDs for a theater play, I helped create an instruction video for a company by being both the cinematographer and editor, and I was also at the beginning of this past summer a wedding photographer for two teachers of mine. Having all that been said I feel like I have a good start to this field but I also realize I have so much more to learn and I can't wait.
Being so interested in film I have watched all the behind the scenes I could get my hands on, from the hours upon hours of bts of Lord of The Rings or Star Wars to the short bts of youtube videos I have enjoyed. I just overall enjoy films of any sorts and then trying to figure out what make them tick. My range of taste in movies and tv shows are action, sci-fi, drama, romance, and really just about anything. I would also like to point out that just because I am a live-action major with Film Production does not mean I don't respect or love animation because I very much do for both. Just the other day I was sitting down at dinner with 5 or 6 people (all of whom happened to be Animation majors) and we had a conversation that lasted over a hour just about anime. That had to be one of my favorite memories so far being here at Huntington and thank you to those who were there (you know who you are).
I would just like to make a short list of some of my favorite movies just so you can have an idea of my tastes. My favorite romance movies have to be A Walk To Remember and 500 Days of Summer. Some of my favorite action movies are Lethal Weapons, 007 (Skyfall is my favorite), and 300 of course. I also enjoy sci-fi my favorites being Star Wars (the original three, the new ones were alright but not nearly as good in my opinion) and Avatar I can't seem to be able to think of any more at the moment. For drama I would have to say The King's Speech, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and yeah probably some others that names escape me at the moment. I have always loved watching old movies as well such as Psycho, Rear Window, Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb, Ben Hur, Spartacus, and Nosferatu the Vampyre to name a few. For animation I will have to say so many of the Disney classics along with some newer stuff such as How To Train Your Dragon, Despicable Me (2 as well), The Incredibles, some tv shows mainly being Japanese anime: Angel Beats, Clannad, Clannad After Story, School Days, some other anime: Danny Phantom, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Teen Titans. I also have two favorite anime movies, them being Millennium Actress and also The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Toki Wo Kakeru Shoujo). I would like to say that I took two years of Japanese in high school but I only remember a little but at the same time I love watching anime with english subtitles so I can hear the Japanese.

So yeah, that's me, sorta, I guess...I look forward to getting to know all of you and hopefully work with you all sometime in the near future. Have a great one.