Sunday, October 20, 2013

What is Important

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to watch Gravity in IMAX. Gravity is one of those movies you just have to ask how. HOW did they make such amazingly long shots in such a large space. For instance I hear that the first scene was 17 minutes long while not having a single cut. That requires a great deal of coordination and timing. HOW was it that they could make such an incredible movie with with only three cast members. 

Some of the greatest movies take advantage of great narrative through words. I only said some. This movie is the direct opposite. The silence and the actions are what tell the story. The main character for example doesn't say much, but her breathing and body movements are what show what she is thinking. This is one of the things that made this movie for me.

Towards the end of the movie, there is one moment that the character accept the fact that life will end eventually die and will use the time she has to fight for what she thinks is important. I think this one of the only moments in the movie that really had me think. What would it be like if people instead of running from their fate of death, fought for what they think is important. I feel like humanity would get farther because we are constantly afraid. Why don't we just take that fear and move that energy to something else. It wasn't easy for the character in Gravity, nor will it be easy for us but I think that we can do it.


  1. It was such a fantastic movie and I really enjoyed it. Not only was it very visually artistic, but even the techniques used for filming and the plot itself were also very impressive!

  2. In my opinion, this movie is all about atmosphere and not characters or plot. It was hands down one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen. Really enjoyed it!
