Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Up and away

I absolutely loved yesterdays class! Pixar's storytelling goes beyond the realm of the stereotypical love triangle between a prince and princess and the like. Now I am not bashing Disney! I love Disney with all my heart but Pixar rises to a whole new level with their stories. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the shorts (as did many of you) and while watching them it made me reflect on how they execute a story in mere minutes and it fascinates me!

One of my favorite Pixar movies is Up but The Incredibles and Toy Story hold special places in my heart. I was able to watch Up with my dad when it was out in theaters and fell in love with it! (Oh, and I cried while watching it and was wiping my tears away with napkins.) Not only is the art and animation incredible, but the characters were well rounded and dynamic. Also, the soundtrack to Up is beautiful! (Its definitely one of my all time favorites.) The adventures that Carl, Russell, Doug, and Kevin go on is so much like a fairytale in itself - "A house is whisked away by balloons in the clouds to a foreign land all the while an elderly man learns a valuable lesson with the help of a child and his pet dog". This is one of the many elements of this film that had captured my heart. Overall, this beautiful story taught me that life goes by fast and that their is not time to waste it but instead spend every waking moment with the people that you care about. I love this movie and I hope that all of you do too.

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