Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Final Fantasy: Human Animation Done Right

     Not saying that other animation is wrong but, the way Square Enix's animators create these humans is amazing. Simply amazing. There's no creepy-human-valley-animation-thing here. They stepped well past that and created beautiful characters. I love the life-like feel of them, even those individual strands of hair. How? *sobs violently* I would love to be at this level in my future. Even the non-cutscenes feature lovely human modeling. I want to work for a video game company so bad that I could cry. No Pixar for me, thank you. Pixar is great and all but that's not my dream. v uv

     Look at this! I don't even know what any of this means, it looks insanely difficult. I will accept this challenge. xD
     This is probably the reason it takes years and a huge team to create these games, but how rewarding would it be after it's finished? Just, aslkjflksdjflj.

     Oh look, an excuse to post Noctis' handsome face. Dat' clothing texture! Mmmm. I can't get over how amazingly these characters are animated.
     This is from Final Fantasy 15, not yet released which means maybe the animation will be even better. But honestly I can't see how they could do better. I just think it's so beautifully perfect. *pets animation*
     Final Fantasy 10 had great human animation too. It seems they've done some different hair techniques with the newer games but I mean, it was made over 10 years ago and it is still stunning.
     Even 7-9 had decent human animation, a little blocky, but they were on the PS1 and it was quite a long time ago.
     I envy these skills. It's my dream to work on video games. *grabby hands*

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