Wednesday, October 30, 2013

La Luna

A short that we did not get to watch in class (and is one of my favorites) is "La Luna"!

This short is breathtaking to watch and tells a cute story too! The concept behind Pixar's take on how the moon's face changes is unique and really creative - it is the reason why I love this short so much. "La Luna" may not be one of Pixar's funniest or most entertaining shorts like Knick Knack or Lifted but the story and its aesthetic appeal in short stands out from the rest. Storytelling. Storytelling. Storytelling. Pixar is a master in storytelling and I think that this film is proof of that. 

This short for me takes on so much meaning and I can relate to it on so many different levels. The boy is pressured by what appears to be his father and grandfather to be like them or "do what they do" kind of thing and while the boy goes along with it he begins to discover that he has his own way of doing things. He also sees the indescribable beauty in the stars that literally light up the moon. He sees the beauty of the world through his childish eyes and he begins to act on instinct and go against the flow. Then in the end he does something incredible. Through his actions, he makes his father and grandfather remember the beauty and splendor of the stars that they had seen when it was there first time on the moon. 

La Luna is a beautiful short story and is one of my favorite Pixar shorts of all time and I hope that one day I will be a part of their story making process. 

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