Thursday, October 24, 2013

Late Night Blogging...

It is currently 2:08 AM and I was scrolling through my normal sites (Facebook, twitter, reddit, 9gag.) and I found an interesting picture that was relevant to class today... yesterday? ANYWAYS... this picture is very powerful to me... I would give it a good, long look if I were you. Nothing make me angrier that inequality. Take away, gender, color, sexual orientation... we are all people; people made in God's image. Who are we to judge God's creations? Who are we to say one is better than the other? We are all human. 

..... rant over. Have a good night, morning? I need sleep, yo.   

.Powerful Ads Use Real Google Searches to Show the Scope of Sexism Worldwide

1 comment:

  1. It makes me sad that there are still people that think this way. I hope that our generation is fighting to end this sort of behavior, and that by the end of our lifetimes sexism will be a thing of that past.
