Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Social Media

Okay so I’m a bit biased (A bit meaning I have probably tried every social media out there, but I digress.) But I think social media is fantastic! It’s an easy way to make connections (which is super important in our industry!) and get your name out there. Not everyone gets famous but I have seen quite a few of my friends get some break-throughs just by posting some recordings on soundcloud

What are my favorite social media sites you ask? Well let me tell you young grasshopper:


Facebook: Yeah yeah I know. Everyone has a FB but that’s kind of the point. Facebook makes it really easy to keep in touch with friends from home who can’t text the States and with family that I don’t always see. Seriously there’s not much to it other than that but still belongs on this list.

Tumblr: No even though it’s currently blocked on the school’s WiFi (UGH I NEED MY FANDOM FIX) I love Tumblr. I can choose on if I want to post my own creative (or not so creative) post or just reblog one that’s relevant to my current life situation. And did I mention fandoms? Yeah that’s right. If you thought Tumbling was just for hipsters think again because some of the biggest fandoms (such as SuperWhoLock) reside on this blogging site.

Vine: Hush you skeptics. Even though Vine is just an app, it’s still a social network and have you seen some of the things people post on here?? How can you fit so much comedy in just 6 seconds of pure gold?? Seriously I love me some Viners.

Twitter: Can you express your thoughts in 140 characters or less? I know I can and not only that you can find stupid comments to biblical quotes on this lovely little site. I’m probably closing on 5000 tweets right now and I’ve had this account for four years! But yeah quality stuff (For the most part).

YouTube: Okay so coming from the girl with the most failed YT accounts you’d probably be asking yourself – why is this your number one? Well let me tell you that I have found some of my greatest inspirations on this site. In fact this site is one of my biggest motivators to begin making videos! I started off as a geeky anime music video editor (WOW WAS I A NOOB) but now I can’t stop myself from pursuing this trade!

So there you go! My longest blog post ever.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I totally agree :) social media is a great way to get your name out there and communicate, but there is a certain point to where it can be harmful P: Your cartoons are so cute! <3
    Yeah Tumblr being blocked is... Ridiculous, quite frankly, and I know a lot of people seem to be upset about it, so I honestly think they should just cave and give it to us. There are worse things on DeviantArt and that's not even blocked on Wifi2303, which has more restrictive access to websites!
