Saturday, October 12, 2013

Corn Tastes Better With Dead People


     Crazy title is crazy I know. But anyway, I was sitting in my dorm room last Sunday after I finished my homework and decided upon re-watching "Secret Window" for about the fourth time now. So, really, this is my favorite movie. People would probably wonder why, but honestly I love psychological thriller/horrors. I don't like fuzzy feel movies about girly relationship crap and I can only handle so many "beautiful" ending movies at a time.
     This movie, right here, is not one of those. I categorize as a psychological thriller more than horror because first off there's really no "scary" parts and secondly it messes with your mind and makes you think. Maybe some people hate this movie, oh well, not my problem, but I still watch it and I'll catch something I missed previously. I could probably watch this all day and be entertained completely. It was based from Stephen King's story "Secret Window, Secret Garden" from his book Four Past Midnight.

     It may start off a bit slow but progresses quickly through the story of Johnny Depp and a stalker-author who claims he stole his book. There's really no way else to describe this movie without spoilers so that's all I'll say. Surprisingly there's some giggle-snort moments in this movie. But mainly it's a mind game movie. U mad bro?
     There are some beautiful camera angles in this movie, especially near the end where "Shooter" is carved and written all over his house. I would like to hug those cameramen. The lighting certain shots of this movie really play off the thriller genre. All around this is a sound movie in my opinion. If you've never seen this movie and would like some "whoa"s then I highly recommend this movie.
     Not sure if this movie "impacted" me in any way. If I said "yes" then people would probably think I'm a psychopath or something. I just love the movie, I see no reason to tear it apart to find some hidden meanings.

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