Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blood Brother

     So tonight the film "Blood Brother" was shown in the MCA as everyone already knows. If I hadn't have seen the preview in last weeks chapel, I'm not sure if I would've went. When I hear "documentary" I cringe because a majority of docs I've seen have been those mind-numbingly boring ones where a person sits in a chair with a dark backdrop talking to a camera with cut-in footage that may or may not even be the real thing. I am very happy to announce that this was anything but that.
     Yes, I brought tissues but surprisingly I didn't cry at all. Not that it wasn't a moving film, it was beautiful and really puts my mind into thinking. The camera shots and angles were gorgeous. I just kept thinking "Oh that's awesome" or "the sun reflects beautifully there". And seeing as it was all shot by hand-held cameras by like one guy (I think I saw another camera guy in one shot though).
     I have to admit though that some of the medical parts I got super squeamish. I can't handle blood or any medical procedures without my mind going all "oh hey, let me make you think you're feeling pain too" so I couldn't watch that.  Kinda like when your sitting in the dentist chair and you hear a drill then suddenly your teeth hurt even though nothings happening to you. No? Well, maybe that's just me. lolz
     The kids were so adorable. And that's weird for me because I don't like kids. But these kids were so humble and yeah, they had outbursts occasionally but they are nothing like kids here with all their "I want" whining and whatnot. Oh oh! The Indian wedding was beautiful too! I love the outfits and the way it was conducted.
     All in all this was a great movie and I'm very glad I went to see it. c:

Oh, and this slightly bugged me but the label should be Blood Brother. Singular. Without the "s". Just a bit of OCD, don't mind me. lolz xD

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