Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blood Brother

        Blood Brother is a documentary film that follows Rocky Braat as he goes through the high and lows of life while living in India volunteering at a HIV orphanage over the course of a few years.

The film shows the struggles that Rocky has to go through while having to take care of many Indian children as they get sick and go though troubles in their lives’. Rocky is very emotional about what he does and it makes for a very emotional and impactful film. 

As documentary style films go Blood Brother is very unique as it was shot by Rocky’s good friend Steven. This made it feel more personal as Steven would ask Rocky questions behind the camera and it felt like Rocky was talking to you personally. Being there as the camera also felt so much more natural as it was like we were seeing Rocky’s life through Steven’s eyes as he was visiting his friend. I truly enjoyed this documentary as the visuals truly interacted with the story and boosted the whole experience of the film. 
Just over the past few documentaries I have seen I have come to appreciate the art so much more than ever before. I now want to say that I think that documentaries have to be one of the most labor intensive filming jobs as you have to spend months if not years filming just to create a short hour and a half film that probably wont do the story you are covering its full justice. They would have to be so dedicated to stick with it for so long and I truly appreciated the work done for this film. 

For those of you who did not go to the showing in the MCA, shame on you (not really) but if you didn’t go you should try and somehow watch it. It is an amazing story and a wonderful film. So yeah, watch it!


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