Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thor 2 review

     Thor wanted to see Jane Forster, but he can't because of the rainbow began destroyed bridge. So know the rainbow Bridge has been fix know Thor can go visit Jane Forster. Thor goes down to earth and realize that Jane has disappear. Jane has been searching for Thor it has been two years sense they have seen each other. Jane and the gang looking for strange activities found one that make object sometimes repair and disappear. Jane went to the aether that has mystic powers and she get some of the powers.
          Professor Erik went crazy because he was not on his medicine. Jane repair back from what ever and Thor  finds each other and getting everybody back. Thor get Loki out of jail to help him defeat Malekith the Accursed. Thor also has Jane to see what Asguard looks like.  Ordin and them is trying to figure out what is wrong inside of Jane.
          In summary Loki dies, but Loki fakes his death and Loki was Ordin at the end of the movie.

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