Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Greatest Movie Never Made.... YET!

Okay, the title may be a little bit of a stretch, but this movie is seriously going to be a great film for 2014. Even more enjoyable is it takes place in the beautiful city of Chicago, a city which I have found a special place in my heart for. With being a beautiful city there are naturally going to be some beautiful sights, but here's the catch to the film- its dystopian Chicago.
For those of you who do not know, dystopian means the book is a rhetorical novel in which the author presents a worst-case scenario of society, with the implicit suggestion to prevent such an image from becoming reality. Yes! This 2014 movie is originally a book, better yet, a trilogy! Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant make up the trilogy by Veronica Roth.
I originally talked to Professor Leeper about this novel that I found a love for, and upon doing some research found not only did it take place in my favorite city: Chicago. This movie also happened to be set for theaters in 2014, which about killed me that I'm going to have to wait that long. I would highly recommend reading the book first, because I haven't seen the film myself to know how similar the two are. However, some of you out there will not read the book so I plan to blog some insider information that you should know before walking into this movie.
I will actually start here with a summary of the first book Divergent because I know none of you are going to read the book. Veronica Roth introduces you to Beatrice Prior of Abnegation, know by all the other factions as the "stiffs".  However, Beatrice does not feel she belongs in Abnegation because she is not selfless enough. Will she stay in Abnegation during the choosing ceremony, where every sixteen year old chooses which faction they will enter into for the rest of their lives. If they choose their original faction they become initiates, and if the succeed in joining the faction, acquire their own jobs and houses and can see their parents often. However, if they choose another faction, they will be outcast by their family and can never return again. On top of that, if an initiate fails initiation, they have to live the rest of their lives away from society in the crumbling outskirts of Chicago with the other factionless.
What will Beatrice Prior decide? Better yet, what will the results of her aptitude test bring her? Will she choose Abnegation, or some other faction? You'll have to read if you want to know immediately or check my next blog to find out more.
Below is a trailer for the movie of Divergent

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