Sunday, October 20, 2013

Telekinesis is the devil?: Carrie Review

This weekend I had the pleasure of going to see Carrie in town. Well, maybe not pleasure. The movie "hollywood-izes" everyone so all the high school kids look like they're 23 (which they probably all are) and it doesn't give off the vibe you'd normally get from a school. It's a little too outlandish for the setting. Yet the acting seemed, to me to be a very solid aspect of the film. It wasn't cheesy or bad, they pulled off their characters really well. The best was the main actress Chloƫ Moretz, who did a great job of portraying Carrie. she was timid and shy and very suspicious when someone showed her kindness. The movie relied a little heavily on some CGI gimmicks to shock-and-awe the crowd, but they were well done. It skipped over quite a bit of reading from the book, but I think that's to be expected by now. I think a main problem they encountered was trying to label it as a horror movie, but then tried to bring in a comedy aspect to it. If they would have labeled it properly and stuck to one style, they might've been better off. All in all, not an amazing movie, but I can see it being a film that would potentially get a slight cult following. It kept me entertained, at the least, but I wouldn't pay to see it again.


  1. I need to see this; I actually just saw the original during fall break last weekend and it was absolutely spectacular

  2. There were these really little things that made the movie really campy like replaying the blood splatter three times and slo-mo CGI deaths. Plus I am not sure why they thought putting a shopping montage right before the climax would be a good idea, but it was really out of place. But, all and all, not bad. It kept me entertained but it's not a movie I would seriously consider watching again. It feels like an MTV remake of the original.

  3. Mason and Adam, if you put your two write ups together, it'd be my opinion! PRETTY SWEET, HUH?
