Sunday, October 20, 2013

▲Let's Talk About "Professionalism"▲

▲Let's Talk About "Professionalism"▲

Ok so I just recently did a comic for the Huntingtonian. There was a misunderstanding on my part and I didn't realize that I had signed up for a recurring position. I thought it was just going to be a one-time thing, and didn't really hear anything back after my first comic. I had received an e-mail that had a list of deadlines for everyone, and I didn't see my name on the list so I figured I didn't have to do a comic and I deleted it. Apparently my name was on the list and I overlooked it, so that is my fault. I received an e-mail on Friday saying that they needed my comic ASAP, and I replied that I didn't realize I was supposed to do one, but I would whip one up the next day. So I did, and this was the comic I submitted:

I was supposed to do an "opinion" comic, so I gave my opinion on what I thought of the school's mascot. Well guess what? THEY REJECTED IT! This honestly made my day and had me laughing for the better part of the afternoon. The fact that they didn't deem this comic as "appropriate" was hilarious to me, and I wanted to share my amusement with my friends on facebook, so I did. Along with the comic, this is what I posted:

"So I was e-mailed about a comic I was "apparently" supposed to do for the next issue of the Huntingtonian, so I decided screw it, I'll do whatever I want. This is the result. PS: The Huntingtonian rejected my cartoon :D"

Well after that the Huntingtonian sent me a wordy e-mail about how "in light of the recent public postings you put on your Facebook page, it has become clear that you are unwilling to comply to the standards of professionalism we require for our employees." 

So first off, it's obvious that they must have misunderstood the intent of my post on facebook. It wasn't meant to offend or attack the Huntingtonian, but it seems they thought it did. Anyway, they said:

"Handling the situation in this way was inappropriate and unacceptable. We will be having a different opinion comic artist for the rest of the year. Thank you for understanding."

Which is fine by me because I had already told them that I wasn't able to continue after this comic because I have a different job and am loaded with homework.

Anyway, it's my opinion that they overreacted, and that since they rejected my cartoon I have the right to do what I want with it, but in the interest of starting a conversation, what do you guys think? Was what I posted on facebook fine or do you think I acted "Inappropriately" and "unprofessional"?

Let me know!



  1. I didn't even know the background to the picture and I didn't see any hostility in your post. I really enjoyed your comic and the way you posted didn't seem to mock the Huntingtonian at all... I think they might just be a little bit butthurt that you publicly announced your comic getting rejected and how you thought it was amusing, and I can see where the misunderstanding can come in, but because you did make the comic and got it rejected you have all the rights to use it as you please. I think you could have probably elaborated more on the situation, but it's Facebook and no one is going to want to read a paragraph xD
    They really could have played off your comic and used it as an opportunity to talk about Norm and how he came to be our mascot, and it could have been really funny and interesting to read. However, I do think you should email them back and explain that your intent wasn't to insult or be hostile to the staff or the Huntingtonian

  2. Pffft, I can't believe they said that. It's an "opinion comic" for a reason. It kinda seems like they're saying you can have an opinion, but ONLY if it complies with theirs. xD
    It makes me sad that they don't see the humor is this, because I think it's hilarious.
    You didn't act unprofessional. All you did was post it on facebook. Just like the 100s of other people who post about their jobs, It's not like you spoke horribly about the Huntingtonian itself. I see no problem with what you did.

  3. Did you post this on the huntingtonian facebook page or your own page? If it was your own, then they should have no right to go "spying" on what you say about them "behind" their backs. I call invasion of privacy. Now if they just so happened to scroll through their news feed and see this then that may be something different. Either don't post this on facebook or post with restrictions on who can view it, in my opinion. Also did you "sign" any terms and conditions or verbally and knowingly agree to any? If not then they shouldn't be able to "fire" you.

    1. I posted it on my page, and no I didn't sign any terms and conditions. I actually didn't even know I was "committing" to a long-term job. And Karli, yeah I did send them an e-mail back but they haven't responded yet.

    2. I think they turned this situation into an unprofessional one and not you IMO. This is getting blown way out of proportions

    3. Well it is Facebook, so what you post is public domain for everyone to see, so I don't think it would be counted as "spying," per se, but I totally get what you mean, Alex P:

  4. Very childish, immature on the part of Huntingtonian.
