Monday, October 28, 2013

Don't leave me hangin' on the telephone.

This weekend I experienced an interesting film called Electrick Children. I was scrolling through Netflix, saw it's cool movie poster, and decided to give it a shot. I actually quite enjoyed it.
This film is about a 15 year old girl, Rachel, from a "fundamentalist Mormon community," who becomes pregnant by listening to a blue cassette tape she finds in her basement. Yes. She has an "immaculate conception," and is impregnated, without sexual activity, by music.
Once her parents find out, they decide that she needs to get hitched. To avoid the marriage and to find the father of her child, Rachel steals her family's truck and drives to Las Vegas.
That awkward moment when your parents
 think you got your sister pregnant.
Unbeknownst to Rachel, her brother, Mr. Will (who was kicked out of the family) travels with her in the back of the pick-up. Throughout their journey, he tries to get her to "confess" how she actually became pregnant, which would allow him to return home. But Rachel is convinced of her virgin pregnancy and refuses to lie for her brother's benefit.
Rachel and her brother happen upon a bar, where a group of drunk, druggie musicians stumble onto the sidewalk in front of them. Rachel sees that one of the boys has a blue cassette tape on his t-shirt and is holding a guitar. Naturally, this leads her to believe that he is her baby daddy. The guys invite them to go home with them, and Rachel and Mr. Will agree. Because it is always good to go home with random strangers. Especially the sketchy ones.
Rachel and her brother chillax with these people for a few weeks. Their eyes are opened to the outside world. Rachel eventually realizes that just because a dude plays guitar, it does not mean that he impregnated her with his musical abilities.
Throughout this film, Rachel would record her thoughts and feelings, presumably, on the blue tape. This is super cool, because she tells you what is going through her mind. She shares her fears, which, oddly enough, does not include being a 15 year old pregnant virgin. Because she has more important, life-changing things to worry about.

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