Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blood Brother

I wasn't sure what to expect when the movie started with a scene of a a man carrying a dying girl and Rocky trying to drive them somewhere on his motorcycle. This, along with the picture on all of the posters around campus kinda made me wonder why I came. I didn't want to sit through a movie about death and sadness. I thought it was going to be the classic, a little fun, a little grief, missionary story. And to a point, I was right. But also not...

What I found interesting was how much he treated the kids like they were his own kids, buying them gifts of toys and pizza, playing with them like a sibling, caring for and loving them like a father, and all around just being there for them in their times of need.

Like when he found out that his little "sidekick," Surya was in a dangerously ill condition. I couldn't look for some of that scene, he just looked so awful. And I, just like, I think it was the camera man said, Rocky is in there, helping in any way he can, even though he doesn't work there, and I'd be afraid to even come close. And that's really sad. I mean, honestly, I thought at one point when I was younger that I could be a missionary. Now that I really look at it, I don't think I could do everything that's needed. I couldn't do everything that Rocky did and does. I love children, I work very well with them and get along well with them. But, and I know this is extremely selfish, I could never give up everything I have and go to another country just to be surrounded by the death of those I love.

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