Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

There is no better feeling than rewatching an anime series after a long time. And I don’t mean a series like Pokemon. I’m talking hardcore punch you in the face with all the feels anime. The anime I’m talking about is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

You may have seen me mention this anime a couple of time in my past blogs so you should know that FMA is one of my all time favorite animes. I’m not sure what possessed me to rewatch this series this past week but that what I’ve been doing… And I only have six episodes left! I’m not sure what it is about these characters but I just simply fall for all of them and I’m pretty sure I have balled my eyes out on more than one or ten episodes.

The reason why I say this is one of the best feelings in because – just like reading a book for the second time – I noticed little subtleties. Things I wouldn’t have noticed before because I didn’t know what was going to happen next. I definitely recommend you watch this anime because you know IT’S AWESOME.

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