Sunday, December 8, 2013

Catching Fire (Spoilers)

I went to see Catching Fire the night it was released and I loved it. I have had a very unique experience with both of the hunger games movies. I put off reading them until the day of the premiere and then I have to read them in one day. Doing this makes the movies very strange to watch. Its all so fresh in my head and I was able to remember what was in the book and what had been left out.
I am a big fan of movies that stay close to the story of the book and this movie did just that. There were a couple things that they changed that annoyed me a bit but, overall it was a great adaptation of the book.
I enjoyed the story of the book but I was a little disappointed in the writing. Suzanne Collins has great ideas but sometimes she has trouble put them on paper. Her books usually start out slow and it doesn't pick up until half way through her books. In this book what was the most disappointing though was the pour attempts at foreshadowing. By the end of the book all of the surprises were ruined for me. It was still a good ending. I just wish she wouldn't have given it all away.
In the movie they took out a lot of the foreshadowing and some people complained. Specifically they took out the watch scene and people were upset but I thought it was a smart move. It was the most obvious part and it gave away so much. They also took out the scene that mentions district 13 and that made it more of a surprise at the end.
The movie was great, better than the book in some ways. The only thing I didn't like was Jennifer Laurence’s performance. She is a great actress but she butchered some of the most important scenes.

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