Sunday, December 8, 2013

....Abnegation of Divergent... Past Due For My Blog Series...

Okay so I have actually held back a few blogs that I wrote forever ago, the intention was to spam the blogs before class so that Leeper would have to talk about this book that is being turned into a movie. This movie/book is in fact the first of the Divergent series which I blogged about awhile back. This story takes place in dystopian Chicago and has been compared to The Hunger Games as well as The Maze Runner series. If you are reading this blog it is about one of the factions/groups from the book written by Veronica Roth.

Abnegation is the least popular faction of five groups and are called “stiffs” by the rest of the factions, this is mainly because Abnegation is the faction who favors selflessness. Each faction favors one way of thinking because after the fall of the “old world” each faction sought to eradicate the evil in the human race with a specific way of thinking.

It so happens Abnegation chose selflessness, so the people of this faction always think outward, about others before themselves, and forbid behaviors like self indulgence and vanity. None of the houses in Abnegation have any reflective surfaces, except for the one mirror they are allowed to use when giving haircuts. They also all wear the same gray clothing, again, to keep their mind on being selfless and not hurting someone's feelings. For this reason, the Abnegation are in control of the government and community projects for the entire city.

This is also a reason for the many different factions to hate the Abnegation, because the Abnegation government decides where to allocate resources and do so with everyone's best interest. Because of this, some factions have to go without finer luxuries that their factions allow, such as vehicles, extra food, etc. The main group of who opposes the Abnegation is the Erudite, who favor knowledge and intelligence. However, many claim that the Erudite are corrupted by their thirst for knowledge as well as power.

This is the Abnegation Manifesto, which is basically their statement of what their faction is all about

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