Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Hardest Blog Thus Far

Like I said in the title, this is by FAR the most difficult blog for me to post. I am going to try and be a blatantly honest as to what happened and what I thought as I go through this story. Please take some time and read all of the text and watch the videos. Try to understand that this is just my opinion and you are free to have your own opinions, just please listen to my argument.

So I am a Youtuber, meaning I watch a great deal of Youtube. The Youtube group I am subscribed to is TheFineBros. Today they posted a video that I had a hard time watching. It was a video of kids being shown videos on Youtube of homosexuals being engaged. The majority of the kids were all happy for the couple and the odd people out were those who were disturbed by this. One girl specifically attacked anyone who was opposed to anyone who took a stand against gay marriage. 

So I watched about half way through when I had to stop. One, I didn't like how TheFineBros had posted this video in the first place. Two I didn't like the numbers being in favor of the marriage. To get my mind back into order I searched for a specific video I had skimmed by on Facebook. I remembered that the title said something like What the World would be like if only Homosexuality was Accepted in the World. I eventually found the video on Youtube. I thought this was going to be a video talking about how we wouldn't be able to reproduce and make some jokes or something...I was completely wrong. 

So I started the video and I noticed that it was a short film, instead of a normal 3 minute video on Youtube. Ok I guess it will be a little more serious than I thought. Yeah, I am ok with this. It started with a girl raised by two mothers in a world where all the couples are of the same gender. It gave some info of the world and how it worked. How everyone hated the Heteros. Then the girl I spoke of before started to get feelings for a guy. At this point I was thinking, "I wander how they will turn this around so that it shows how homosexuality is wrong. Seriously there are wings and a logo at the bottom right corner, plus it has like 90% thumbs up, it has to be a Christian film." WRONG!!! I was about half way through that I figured it out. The girl and the guy started hanging out and they got into a relationship. After a while, they were found out. The kids at school started to make fun of the girl and called her a Hetero. Then the guy denied the relationship, and made fun of her in order to not be made fun of. Then after it escalated to the point that the girl came home beaten up and had the word Hetero written on her forehead, in sharpie. The girl went into her room crying, while she got text after text of people calling her names. At this point I was thinking, "I get the idea, they are trying to make us opposed to homosexuality feel what they feel at school." The girl, after some thought, goes to the bathroom and kills herself. I stopped watching when she grabbed for the knife/scalpel (not sure what it was) that would kill her. I had to stop and think for a bit. The video was THAT disturbing to me.So after much thought, I decided that I had to blog about this or else I would be denying the fact that I watched the video.

As Christians, this is a very painful subject to talk about to nonbelievers. Even some Christians are actually for gay marriage. I grew up in a home and church that taught me that homosexuality was wrong. I didn't really think about it until I got into older, when some of my old friends became gay. I had to figure out exactly how I wanted to go about this. I think it was about my Junior year in high school that I had a speaker actually talk about it in some Christian environment. I can tell you that this is not a subject that is talked about much, so this was a little weird to listen to. The speaker talked about how gay marriage is a sin like any other. If you would like to argue that same sex marriage is not a sin here are some verses to defend this view: Genesis 1:27, Romans 1:26-27, and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. But now don't go off by saying that they are evil now because of their sin. Remember, "We all have sinned. and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3: 23). Luckily, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). As Christians we can't say that we are any better than nonbelievers. Just as someone might might struggle with homosexuality, someone else might struggle with lust. I can't tell you how much it angered me when in the video it showed the church pastor saying that the Heteros are going to Hell. If this is read in the opposite sense, we Christians are saying that homosexuals are going to hell. NO!!! This is not true! It is not that one act that leads us to hell. It is sin in general that leads humanity to hell. Just one sin is enough to stain a human with sin for eternity, that is how much God despises sin. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). It is only through Christ Jesus, God in human form, dying on the cross, dying for our sins, that we are saved from an eternity in Hell. We must accept this gift Jesus gave us, and believe that He is the one and only way of salvation in order to be given this gift of eternity in Heaven with God.

To sum all of this up, don't hate those who are gay. We as Christians are to love them like any other sinner. We can guide them through friendship a LOT better than yelling at them and calling them evil little monsters that don't understand the human anatomy. To call them evil and not point a finger back at yourself is like being like the Pharisee in Luke 18:9-14's parable. Humble yourself and love them.

(AAAAND to make this DMA related, the second video did a good job making you feel for the girl and the actors, especially the kids did a great job portraying their characters.)


  1. I'M SO GLAD SOMEONE BLOGGED ON THIS. I had watched FineTime and I knew exactly what topic they were going to discuss. When the video popped up I watched it immediately. Haven't watched your second video but I see what it's getting at. Awesome blog!

  2. Well I went over the character limit with my response to this blog :/ that totally sucks.. Oh well
