Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Wonderful World of Memes

For those of you who don’t know what memes are, they are basically “cultural symbols” or “social ideas that spread virally”. Chances are that you have been exposed to a meme whether you know what they are or not. Memes often stem from jokes, human or animals oddities, or urban legends. They most commonly take the form of animation, photos, videos, and music. Most modern memes are also humor-centered and tend to be aimed towards and created by teens or young adults. Ideas such as rage faces, LOLcats, philosoraptor, or the double rainbow are frequently used all over the internet and continue to become more and more popular.


The word “meme” was first introduced in 1976 by the evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins. It comes from the Greek word “mimema”, which means “something imitated”. Dawkins portrayed memes as a method for people to spread cultural ideas and social memories with one another, which holds similarity to how DNA and life move from place to place. Now that we have the Internet, memes have the ability to travel faster through email, social networks, or YouTube. The community of the Internet has fully embraced this, and even marketing professionals have recognized this. Advertising has also begun to take on memes as means to look trendy and aware of the current generation.

I personally adore memes. They are so much fun to look at because each and every one is unique and hilarious. Memes always brighten up my day! My favorite type of meme is definitely the rage faces though. And if you love memes too, then you should check out this video I found below. It is a giant combination of the older and newer memes (over 40 memes in the video), and it is fantastic! Not only does it have really good editing, the music is high-quality. Enjoy, and go make memes, people!! :D

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