Thursday, October 17, 2013


Tonight I watched Blood Brothers, a documentary about a man’s connection with India and a community of HIV infected children. This stunning documentary, take you on a journey through the trenches alongside a young man named Rocky. He shows us the life these kids experience daily. As the film progresses, we witness tragedies that surround their lives.
            Rocky is a very down to earth young man who takes these children under his wing as they refer to him as big brother.  At first we are introduced to these children as though they are regular children, so we can love them without bias. Later on we are shown the true horror of their disease.
            Personally I could not picture myself doing the things he has done. While I don’t see myself as callous or uncaring, I’m not sure I’d have the guts to live in these conditions. To take the risk of subjecting myself to the disease would be crazy.
            What particularly touched me was the story of Surya. He succumbed to HIV, having his flesh fall from his face and organs riddled with sores. The doctors claimed he had less than 10% chance of surviving. Rocky took it upon himself to stay by Surya and serve his in whatever way he could. Days and nights passed and Surya slowly came out of it. Rocky praises God for Saving Surya, but the Doctors claim it was Rocky that saved his life. The bible tells us to reflect God’s love into the earth. This is all I could think about during the closing minutes of the Documentary.

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