Tuesday, October 29, 2013



I was happy to watch many of Pixar's animated shorts today and relive a part of my childhood. It fascinates me to see what they come up with next. Their stories and the way they tell them work greatly for them. (The only one I've not seen is Cars 2. I heard it was their least greatest.) The Blur Studio short I didn't care for. I wasn't very captivated and it took a while to develop their exposition. Pixar seems to get right to the point and deliver. The short "Knick Knack" dives right in and tells of a snowman trapped in a snow-globe wanting to hangout with the rest of the 'Hawaii' collection.

I notice that each film's methods seem to get richer. Toy Story and A Bug's Life used solid shapes that had a shiny or rough texture to them. In Monster's Inc. They dove into fur. Like Prof. Leeper stated they didn't really deal with 'people' until "The Incredibles". In that film they also dealt with fabric and hair. I remember watching a behind the scenes clip showing how difficult it was to make Violet's hair collide with objects around and not go straight through them.

I find it pretty cool how Pixar's implements 'Easter Eggs' in each of it's movies.

A113: the room number John Lasseter studied animation in at CalArts

Beach girl from "Knick Knack" has a cameo in "UP"

The famous Pizza Planet Truck

(One thing I have wondered during production is how different people, animating the same character for different shots, keep the character's 'style of motion' the same. I could see basic walk/run and other cycles being used, but overall throughout the film I'm not sure.)

1 comment:

  1. The easter eggs are so dang cool :D I love them! Have you found A113 in monster's university?
