Monday, October 14, 2013



     So any of you who have seen the huge wall scroll in my dorm, my shoulder bag, my Kyubey headband, my computer wallpapers, etc, know that I absolutely love Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Before any haters arise I want to put the record straight. At first glance this may seem like another girly magical girl anime. In a sense it kinda is, but it is definitely not a happy love anime filled with annoying relationships and cutesy spells and giggles. Absolutely not.
     Basically all the trailers on YouTube make this look like a run-of-the-mill magical girl cliche. But, once you hit episode 3 you then realize that this isn't for children or anyone who gets scared easily. There are 12 episodes altogether. And YES, I know they're combining them into 2 movies (6 eps each) and airing it in some random theater in the US. I just watched the english dubbed episodes online and merrily await the episodes to be dubbed and put on DVD here in the US.
     BUT I DIGRESS. lolz
      I LOVE the art style, it seems like it actually progresses through the series but maybe that's just me. But the mixture of anime, paper-cutout-like-things, nearly 3D looking scenes, and so on. OMG, and the music. Hnnnnggggg, the music is so beautiful, and fits perfectly with each scene.
     Is this an impact-ful series? Yes. It's about friendship and loyalty and how far a person will go to save you no matter the price. I cried so hard at the end. This anime is probably my favorite, and I've seen a lot of other series. If you like anime, or awesome stuff in general, you should give this series a try.

Oh hey look, finally a trailer that isn't completely innaccurate:


  1. MADOKA MAGICA OHMYGOSH I NEED TO SEE THIS. I've been meaning to watch this for FOREVER. Okay, your hen movie and then this are on my list now P: 12 episodes isn't bad either! That can easily be traversed in an all anime day weekend :>

    1. YES YOU DO. It's amazing. Leafy and this took me on a train ride to feels-ville. xD
      It's the perfect amount of eps. so that there's action in every one and it doesn't feel like a chore to finish it. lolz

    2. That's epic! Lol guess how much not homework I'm gonna be doing when I decide to watch this xD
