Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Blood Brother

I saw this film several weeks ago, and I have to say that I was quite touched by it. The movie actually gave some very unique perspectives and ideas that I have never previously thought about. So what’s it about?

 In the documentary Blood Brother, a graphic designer named Rocky Braat decides to visit India. After stopping by a home for children with H.I.V, he falls in love with the kids and chooses to stay. The relationship between Rocky and the children is very beautiful and inspiring. He is often playing games with them, cleaning their cuts, brushing their teeth, and drying their tears. Whenever he visits them, they are overwhelmed with joy, and you can’t help but smile when they all run to him. The children are like family to him.
“No child ever grows out of their need for family” (Rocky Braat). That statement seemed to be very true for him as well throughout the film. His complex relationship with his father and his mother’s abusive boyfriend caused him much pain as a child. His past allows him to truly understand the necessity for a family. However, as much as he wants to be close to the kids in India, the villagers were suspicious of his presence in their home. Rocky worried that the people would only see him as “the white-skinned king helping the darker-skinned needy”. Nevertheless, by the end, he gets married to an Indian woman and commits his life and future completely to the village, living in the same conditions as they do.

Seeing such a selfless person these days is such a breath of fresh air. The fact that he was so willing to give up a luxurious life in the United States to stay with the kids in a place that barely had indoor plumbing is truly inspirational. Rocky Braat discovered the true power of love while he was serving in India and used it to care for others. Though this documentary has some very sad moments, it also has uplifting ones. It is a very inspiring piece of artwork, and for those who haven’t seen this film yet, you should take the time to watch it.

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