Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blood Brother

When I heard about the showing of Blood Brother, I'd envisioned something more along the lines of Red Dead Redemption in movie form, or something like that. I hadn't expected a documentary about orphaned AIDs children in India.

Blood Brother was a very good documentary. I loved it, and that's saying a lot, since I don't tend to like any documentaries besides those military related. Admittedly that's a very limited field of experience, but that doesn't say much since documentaries I've seen differ greatly from the kind of documentary Blood Brothers is.

But going away from the technicalities of the style of shooting, I really liked Blood Brothers. It's not often we get to see a first hand account of a man  as he ventures into the world of India, not for the first time, though the narrator was for the first time. Watching those kids interact with Rocky, and hear them call him their big brother really drives it home how much they love him, a foreigner who loved them back; they probably never expected it.

For me, a realist, it's hard for me to feel exceptionally emotional about this film since I have long ago accepted that these things happen and while they are tragic, they are also very common. Its really a flaw of mine; I can't feel emotion because I simply accept that things like this happen. And believe me, they happen a lot.

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