Friday, October 25, 2013

Artists and Petitions

     So while wandering the depths of the interwebs and Deviantart I found two amazingly done pieces of art petitioning animal testing. I am for one, against animal testing, but that's neither here nor there. lol.  But I'm posting about the art style and way these works were done because it's amazing really.

     The first one here is so simply done and so powerful. I love the way this was made. I just... Can't explain this. I mean, there's really nothing to explain. Literally that one word says it all. One word and one simply lined picture with a basic background.
     I only wish I could think like this. I try way too hard with my art sometimes and then I end up hating it. This picture, while saddening, is beautifully made.

     Here's the second I found, this one also is quite simple. The way the pink stands out sharply against the monotone colors. And the incorporation of a knife blade as the lipstick, it's brilliant.
     Or even the crossed out words. The way people try to make it seem harmless and in honesty it isn't. I love the truth these pictures speak into the problem that people have decided to blind themselves to. I admire the way these pictures were done so much.


     Artists can make amazing works that can change people's views and sway their opinions one way or another. I think it's a very powerful weapon that artists should learn to use well. With great art comes great responsibility. lolz xD

(This is just my opinion people, don't get all bent-out-of-shape about it. I'm posting on the art. lolz)

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