Friday, October 11, 2013

A beautiful Mind

A very interesting movie! I liked it a lot. The main character, John Nash, a young and brilliant mathematician, but not very sociable person that made it to Princeton University. He obtained one of the most prestigious scholarships in the university.
In the university, he challenged Adam Smith´s (considered as the father of modern economics) idea of everybody by their own. An idea he changed it by saying that his fellow friends must work together in order to get the best for them all.

His life continued working for the Pentagon and as a professor in MIT. The work he was doing for the pentagon is about finding patterns in letters, newspapers, etc.
The thing is that he developed paranoid schizophrenia. That made hard for him to distinguish between real and unreal things.

He also fell in love with one of his students. And form a family. But know he feels that his family is threatened by his work, but is it just his mind playing with him? He can’t figure it out. Until he started to take some medicine. Illusions started to decrease with time, but he is like every man in life, he refuses to take more medicine because of his pride saying that he doesn’t need it. Illusions appear and disappear. He is so sure that he worked for the Pentagon secretly, but he couldn’t realize that he wasn’t. All was in his mind. 


  1. This was such a fantastic film; I watched it in my psychology class last year and honestly couldn't believe it when we found out he had paranoid schizophrenia. Did you know the guy actually existed? I googled it once, I think! I love how it portrayed both what happened in his mind and in real life in such a realistic way. I feel like that would be a really accurate representation of what it would really be like to have such a disorder. What was your reaction when you found out the whole thing was just in his mind? I totally freaked out!

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    2. That's awesome! looking a film like this in class! :D I didn't know he did existed :o
      Actually I got scared! a few months before (I don't remember very well xD jaja) I had a weird shock! It was before a test and I was acting like crazy. My classmates were kind of freak out because of my behaviour. So when I saw that film I was more scared of the possibility to get to that point, where you can't know when something is real or not! So far nothing bad has happen, but I kind of have that fear inside. xD

  2. I remember watching this a couple years ago. I was very surprised when I discovered he was seeing delusions and not real events. When his baby almost drowned due to his lack of attention, I remember my heart racing and the anticipation that was created. It is neat how we empathise with what is presented to us. Like Karli, I too agree that it seems like a very accurate portrayal of living with that situation: Constantly battling with your mind, having to keep it in check, and control your thoughts from out-bursting and disrupting others.

    1. Yeah! I agree too. That's how I think it is because everything look so real from his perspective, he couldn't know whether it was true or not. So it got into very high situations within his relationship with the real world.
