Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Bling Ring

The other night I watched The Bling Ring from director Sofia Coppola. The film is based on the real event about a group of teenagers from Southern California who tracked celebrities’ whereabouts and then robbed their homes. I remember hearing about this story in the news and how Paris Hilton and Orlando Bloom’s homes were robbed, so I thought the movie would be interesting. I thought that the beginning of the movie was rushed and there wasn’t much substance to the film. I haven’t seen anything like this movie before – it’s rare in a movie where all the characters are unlikeable. I also thought the movie was eye opening about how obsessed some people become with celebrities, designer clothes, money, and drugs. I thought it was kind of sickening in some parts to watch because of how disrespectful and careless these teens were. I think the movie jumped into the story so fast; I thought the film would go back through the story and explain at least a little bit of the character’s backstories, but it didn’t. I also felt a little confused at the end of the film because I expected the story to evolve more, and it never did.

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