Saturday, September 21, 2013

Stray Dog

Thursday night at Signs and Wonders was the night they showed the movie Stray Dog. To say whether it was good or bad, coming from me, would be unfair because I'm still not a fan of oil black and whites and since all the dialogue was in subtitle due to it being a Japanese movie, it was like reading a book on the big screen. I could either read what was being said or watch the movie. And those seats, the seats in the mini theater was really uncomfortable. I don't mean to complain but from suffering from bedsores developing on my bottom and worrying if rigor mortis was setting in my joints, toward the end of the night, made it hard to appreciate the movie. I will say though, I thought the story was very well constructed. I can see why Akira Kurosawa is quite a legend in the film industry. But the best part of the night was after the movie. I'm not talking about when it was time to leave but rather during the group discussion. There's some parts of the movie that is quite significant, that I would miss if it wasn't for someone who brought it to light in the discussions. One example would be, after a long and exhausting chase, the criminal in the film was caught and cuffed, both he and the officer were so exhausted that they both collapsed and were panting heavily for air, then the criminal would start to whine loudly. I thought his behavior was strange but someone made a comment that it was because he (the criminal) was the stray dog due to his panting and howling he makes

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