Tuesday, September 24, 2013


    So my roommate and I watched a movie last night called Epic. I really had no idea what to expect when first going into it, but I soon found that I was sucked into the story and all the details of the world. The film is about a girl going back to talk with her dad so she can convince him to stop looking for a tiny civilization in the forest (which was his life's work and wrecked his marriage), but she ends up becoming a part of that civilization and learning to believe in her dad's work while meeting an attractive young male who is an outcast. 
He was super cute you guys!
     Watching the plot unfold and enjoying the story of the movie was nice, but the artists and animators made some very specific and stylistic choices that really stuck out to me. There was one scene where the leaf men (the good civilization in the forest) were flying back to their home city, and I noticed that the colorists made the character that the scene was focusing on more vibrant than the others, whose colors were muted and grayed. It was a very subtle, but very clever scene that I thoroughly enjoyed! In addition to the coloring, I really enjoyed how the enemies (they were called rot) wore all kinds of different dead and decaying things, and when they shot arrows or used weapons that made contact with either the ground, a plant, or a person, that affected area started to bubble up as though rotting. We've all seen those trees with the lumpy diseases on them, right? It was just like that, and I thought that was super clever!
     I have to say, though, the hair on the main character was done very lazily. It was in a ponytail, and wasn't as lively and didn't move around nearly as enough as it should have. Besides that I really did love this movie! I can't wait to watch it again and notice more details next time!

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