Sunday, September 29, 2013

Beautiful Sadness

I cry in movies okay?! (even in books!)
 Especially when it is about the relationship
between a father and a daughter.

So you guessed it -  I balled my eyes out
while watching the film "Father and Daughter".

To the right you can see an accurate representation of me and what I was feeling while watching "Father and Daughter"

So now that I have thoroughly expressed the emotions that I felt - I'll give my thoughts/reviews on the film.
Seriously - this is just breathtaking!
I thought that this film was utterly beautiful and amazing to watch! The story/relationship between the father and the daughter is so relatable and an accurate representation of our relationship with out heavenly Father. I liked what Andrew said in his blog about the bicycles and how they are the body while the people were the souls. I watched it again but with my roommate and she asked at the end of the film: "Why did the father leave?" And I guess that one answer could be that it was their time to go home. But there are lots of other answers.

One thing that I saw was that the daughter never lost faith that she would one day see her dad again. And I think that we all feel that way too - with passed loved ones. We are desperate and we never loose faith that one day we will be able to see our loved ones again. Its that desperate longing that the daughter has is what we all have deep down. The helplessness that she felt after saying goodbye to her dad - like she could not do anything to stop him leaving her alone. I feel like this film is not just about the beautiful relationship between the father and the daughter but also a film that deals with coping with a loved ones death and the joy of finally seeing them after a lifetime of waiting. And I think that is what makes this film worthwhile.

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